OSPAR (Liste LCPA) produits chimiques prioritaires

Libellé court



List of regulation substances
1983104 Stannane, tributylfluoro- (1983-10-4) \(\ce{ C12H27FSn }\)
207122165 Diphenyl ether, 2,2',3,4,4',5',6 (207122-16-5) \(\ce{ C12H3Br7O }\)
68631492 Diphenyl ether, 2,2',4,4',5,5' (68631-49-2) \(\ce{ C12H4Br6O }\)
2155706 Stannane, tributyl[(2-methyl-1-oxo-2 (2155-70-6) \(\ce{ C16H32O2Sn }\)
189084648 Diphenyl ether, 2,2',4,4',6-Pentabromo (189084-64-8) \(\ce{ C12H5Br5O }\)
207122154 Diphenyl ether, 2,2',4,4',5,6' (207122-15-4) \(\ce{ C12H4Br6O }\)
134237528 G-HBCDD (134237-52-8) \(\ce{ C12H18Br6 }\)
134237517 B-HBCDD (134237-51-7) \(\ce{ C12H18Br6 }\)
134237506 A-HBCDD (134237-50-6) \(\ce{ C12H18Br6 }\)
208968 Acénaphtylène (208-96-8) \(\ce{ C12H8 }\)
319868 Delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (319-86-8) \(\ce{ C6H6Cl6 }\)
85409172 Stannane, tributyl-, dérivés mono (85409-17-2)
238846 Benzo[a]fluorène (238-84-6) \(\ce{ C17H12 }\)
319846 Alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane (319-84-6) \(\ce{ C6H6Cl6 }\)
72435 Methoxychlore (72-43-5) \(\ce{ C16H15Cl3O2 }\)
205823 Benzo[j]fluoranthène (205-82-3) \(\ce{ C20H12 }\)
68928803 Oxyde de diphényle, dérivé heptabromé (68928-80-3) \(\ce{ C12H3Br7O }\)
224419 Dibenzo[a,j]anthracène (224-41-9) \(\ce{ C22H14 }\)
40088479 Oxyde de diphényle, dérivé tétrabromé (40088-47-9) \(\ce{ C12H6Br4O }\)
156609108 4-t-Nonylphenol-diethoxylate (156609-10-8)
192972 Benzo[e]pyrène (192-97-2) \(\ce{ C20H12 }\)
189640 Dibenzo[b,def]chrysène (189-64-0) \(\ce{ C24H14 }\)
182346210 BDE85 (182346-21-0) \(\ce{ C12H5Br5O }\)
191264 Dibenzo[def,mno]chrysène (191-26-4) \(\ce{ C22H12 }\)
192654 Naphto[1,2,3,4-def]chrysène (192-65-4) \(\ce{ C24H14 }\)
78002 Tétraéthylplomb (78-00-2)
132649 Dibenzofuranne (132-64-9) \(\ce{ C12H8O }\)
75741 Tétraméthylplomb (75-74-1) \(\ce{ C4H12Pb }\)
63936561 Pentabromo(tétrabromophénoxy)benzène (63936-56-1)
49690940 Oxyde de diphényle, dérivé tribromé (49690-94-0) \(\ce{ C12H7Br3O }\)
90120 1-méthylnaphtalène (90-12-0) \(\ce{ C11H10 }\)
60348609 2,2',4,4',5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (60348-60-9) \(\ce{ C12H5Br5O }\)
189559 Benzo(r s t)pentaphene (189-55-9) \(\ce{ C24H14 }\)
2050477 Oxyde de bis(4-bromophényle) (2050-47-7) \(\ce{ C12H8Br2O }\)
319857 Béta-hexachlorocyclohexane (319-85-7) \(\ce{ C6H6Cl6 }\)
101553 Oxyde de 4-bromophényle et de phényle (101-55-3) \(\ce{ C12H9BrO }\)
732263 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphénol (732-26-3) \(\ce{ C18H30O }\)
36483600 Oxyde de diphényle, dérivé hexabromé (36483-60-0) \(\ce{ C12H4Br6O }\)
217594 Triphénylène (217-59-4) \(\ce{ C18H12 }\)
23593751 Clotrimazole (23593-75-1) \(\ce{ C22H17ClN2 }\)
191071 Coronene (191-07-1) \(\ce{ C24H12 }\)
91576 2-méthylnaphtalène (91-57-6) \(\ce{ C11H10 }\)
3194556 Hexabromocyclododecane (3194-55-6) \(\ce{ C12H18Br6 }\)
1763231 Acide perfluorooctanesulfonique (PFOS) (1763-23-1) \(\ce{ C8HF17O3S }\)
53703 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracène (53-70-3) \(\ce{ C22H14 }\)
191242 Benzo[g,h,i]perylène (191-24-2) \(\ce{ C22H12 }\)
79947 2,2',6,6'-tétrabromo-4,4' (79-94-7) \(\ce{ C15H12Br4O2 }\)
7439976 Mercure (7439-97-6) \(\ce{ Hg }\)
7439921 Plomb (7439-92-1) \(\ce{ Pb }\)
87616 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene (87-61-6) \(\ce{ C6H3Cl3 }\)
688733 Tributylétain (688-73-3) \(\ce{ C12H28Sn }\)
87865 Pentachlorophénol (87-86-5) \(\ce{ CHCl5O }\)
120127 Anthracène (120-12-7) \(\ce{ C14H10 }\)
1163195 Decabromodiphenyl ether (1163-19-5) \(\ce{ C12Br10O }\)
32534819 Pentabromodiphenyl ether (32534-81-9) \(\ce{ C12H5Br5O }\)
58899 Lindane (58-89-9) \(\ce{ C6H6Cl6 }\)
129000 Pyrène (129-00-0) \(\ce{ C16H10 }\)
85535848 Chloroalcanes C10-C13 (85535-84-8) \(\ce{ CxH(2x-y+2)Cly x=10-13 y=1-13 }\)
117817 DEHP (117-81-7) \(\ce{ C24H38O4 }\)
1461229 Chlorure de tributyletain (1461-22-9) \(\ce{ C12H27ClSn }\)
22967926 Methylmercure (22967-92-6) \(\ce{ CH3Hg++ }\)
608731 Hexachlorocyclohexane (mélange des (608-73-1) \(\ce{ C6H6Cl6 }\)
140669 Para-tert-octylphenol (140-66-9) \(\ce{ C14H22O }\)
56553 Benzo[a]anthracène (56-55-3) \(\ce{ C18H12 }\)
81152 Musc xylene (81-15-2) \(\ce{ C12H15N3O6 }\)
41318756 Tri-BDE 28 (41318-75-6) \(\ce{ C12H7Br3O }\)
92524 Biphényle (92-52-4) \(\ce{ C12H10 }\)
91203 Naphtalène (91-20-3) \(\ce{ C10H8 }\)
1461252 Tétrabutylétain (1461-25-2) \(\ce{ C16H36Sn }\)
26027383 4-Nonylphenol, ethoxylated (26027-38-3) \(\ce{ C15H24O }\)
50328 Benzo(a)Pyrène (50-32-8) \(\ce{ C20H12 }\)
127087870 4-Nonylphenol, branched, ethoxylated (127087-87-0) \(\ce{ C17H28O2 }\)
120821 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (120-82-1) \(\ce{ C6H3Cl3 }\)
205992 Benzo(b)fluoranthène (205-99-2) \(\ce{ C20H12 }\)
51000523 Néodécanoate de vinyle (51000-52-3) \(\ce{ C12H22O2 }\)
5436431 Tétra BDE 47 (5436-43-1) \(\ce{ C12H6Br4O }\)
68412544 Nonylphenol, branched, ethoxylated (68412-54-4)
108703 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene (108-70-3) \(\ce{ C6H3Cl3 }\)
84742 Phtalate de dibutyle (84-74-2) \(\ce{ C16H22O4 }\)
7311275 4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear, (7311-27-5) \(\ce{ C23H40O5 }\)
207089 Benzo[k]fluoranthène (207-08-9) \(\ce{ C20H12 }\)
115322 Dicofol (115-32-2) \(\ce{ C14H9Cl5O }\)
32536520 Octabromodiphenyl ether (32536-52-0) \(\ce{ C12H2Br8O }\)
36643284 Tributyltin cation (36643-28-4) \(\ce{ C12H27Sn+ }\)
34166386 4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear, (34166-38-6)
115297 Endosulfan (115-29-7) \(\ce{ C9H6Cl6O3S }\)
27942274 4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear, (27942-27-4) \(\ce{ C29H52O8 }\)
206440 Fluoranthène (206-44-0) \(\ce{ C16H10 }\)
56359 Oxyde de bis(tributyletain) (56-35-9) \(\ce{ C24H54OSn2 }\)
203123 Benzo(g,h,i)fluoranthene (203-12-3) \(\ce{ C18H10 }\)
14409724 4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear, (14409-72-4) \(\ce{ C33H60O10 }\)
7440439 Cadmium (7440-43-9) \(\ce{ Cd }\)
86737 Fluorène (86-73-7) \(\ce{ C13H10 }\)
1582098 Trifluraline (1582-09-8) \(\ce{ C13H16F3N3O4 }\)
20427843 4-Nonylphenol di-ethoxylate (20427-84-3) \(\ce{ C19H32O3 }\)
218019 Chrysène (218-01-9) \(\ce{ C18H12 }\)
104358 4-Nonylphenol mono-ethoxylate (104-35-8) \(\ce{ C17H28O2 }\)
793248 N-1,3-diméthylbutyl-N'-phényl-p (793-24-8) \(\ce{ C18H24N2 }\)
193395 Indéno[1,2,3-cd]pyrène (193-39-5) \(\ce{ C22H12 }\)
198550 Perylène (198-55-0) \(\ce{ C20H12 }\)
502396 Methylmercure Dicyandiamide (502-39-6) \(\ce{ C3H6HgN4 }\)
83329 Acénaphtène (83-32-9) \(\ce{ C12H10 }\)
85018 Phénanthrène (85-01-8) \(\ce{ C14H10 }\)
115093 Chlorométhylmercure (115-09-3) \(\ce{ CH3ClHg }\)